I’ve recently received several emails from people who want to know how they can help. I’m repeating some of what I said here in hopes of interesting others to get involved.
If you want to help save the Semiprozine Hugo:
- Be familiar with the facts and opinions involved. To understand why this is happening, it’s best to start with the videos from last year’s business meeting: technical debate and substantive debate.
- If you disagree with their reasoning, please make sure you attend the business meeting at Anticipation in Montreal this August. Only people present at the business meeting can vote. (See this post for details about the meeting process.) If you can’t attend, but know someone who can, let them know what is going on. Send them here for details.
- If you agree with the motion to eliminate the semiprozine Hugo as it stands, please talk to us or at least keep an eye on this site. We may not change one another’s minds, but a good discussion could help us at least understand one another. (Yes, that matters. For some reason, emotions seem to run high on this issue.)
- Undecided? Glad to help, if we can.
- Read. Check out semiprozines and let people know what you think of them. Even if we lose, you’re still doing something of value to the publications and their contributors.
- Click on “Promotional Materials” in the menu bar above. You can use anything we put there on your website, Facebook account, or blog.
If you also want to help semiprozines in general:
- Tell a friend. Buy or share a copy. Send them a link.
- Submit semiprozine websites (individual stories/articles when online) to sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, etc.
- Buy a subscription or make a donation.
- Review new issues on your blog or link to their websites in your sidebar.
- Authors: Mention them during appropriate panels at conventions.
- Authors: Submit a story.
- Offer to write an article for this site or comment on what others say.
- Offer to take postcards or flyers from your favorite semiprozines to a convention.
There are dozens of other things you can do as well. Feel free to toss in other ideas in the comments to this post. For that matter, let us know what things we (semiprozines or this site) can do to help spread the word as well.
I’ve added your banner to our site. Long live the semiprozine!
We’ve got a list of 33 print SF/F magazines on our site that we’ve been trying to promote. Most of them are semiprozines. You can check ’em out here: http://www.worldswithoutend.com/resources_magazines.asp
Good luck!