Established: October 2008
Editor-In-Chief: Scott H. Andrews
Beneath Ceaseless Skies publishes “literary adventure fantasy”–short fiction with traditional fantasy elements, such as secondary-world settings, but written with modern literary flair. We pay SFWA pro rate for short stories and novelettes of all lengths. We publish two stories online every two weeks.
Our authors include established writers such as Marie Brennan, Yoon Ha Lee, S.C. Butler, and Richard Parks, as well as new writers including five winners of Writers of the Future contest. Authors appearing in BCS have elsewhere won the Hugo Award (David D. Levine) and have been nominated for Nebula Awards (Charles Coleman Finlay), World Fantasy Awards (Holly Phillips), and the 2009 Campbell Award (Aliette de Bodard, Tony Pi).
Other Items of Interest:
BCS also publishes selected stories as audio fiction podcasts,
with a new episode every two weeks.
Information provided by Scott H. Andrews.
I’ve posted information about this on my blog. I urge everyone else to get the word out.
BCS was also just named runner-up for storySouth‘s Million Writers Award for Best New Online Magazine.